Guidelines help make any therapeutic container safe.  Here are a few that support our work with you:


All massage therapists at Bodywork for Liberation hold professional insurance so that clients are protected in case of accident or injury.

During sessions, we ask that you inform your practitioner if you experience any pain or discomfort.  Your safety and comfort is of utmost importance to us.

We ask that you provide us with accurate medical and health information and let us know prior to your session if there has been any change in your medical status.

Our work is in support of your healthcare, and in and of itself is not a complete healthcare system.  We do not diagnose or prescribe and we recommend all clients be under the care of a primary physician or naturopath.

A cancellation with less than 24 hours notice  (including no-show) will result in a full session charge.  Emergency cancellation is excepted and needs to be discussed with our front desk staff.

We uphold and follow HIPAA standards and you will have confidentiality around work performed during your session.

Our work is strictly non-sexual therapeutic massage and sexual acts are not permitted. Inappropriate behavior will result in the termination of the massage session with full payment expected.

Intoxication or altered state from substance use is not allowed.

Nominal lateness will be accommodated if possible.  Excessive lateness is unable to be accommodated.

We request our clients exercise good hygiene, the recommendation being showering before a session.

Payment is expected at the time of service and can be provided via check, card, or cash.