Ali Arams, LMT

Ali discovered her calling in massage therapy through her own journey of personal healing. Inspired by the transformative power of healing modalities, she felt compelled to extend the same gift to others. Understanding the need for attuned, trauma-informed touch, she strives to create a nurturing environment where her clients can experience profound healing.

Ali Arams, LMT

In Ali’s treatment room, each session is crafted to be exceptional through her attention to both the physical and energetic aspects of the body. By identifying and addressing areas of stagnant energy, she facilitates a restoration of the body’s natural flow, promoting holistic healing.

During a client’s first session, Ali emphasizes deep listening and creates a safe, welcoming space for healing. Specializing in trauma care, female health, digestive wellness, energy healing, and neck and hip pain, she brings her innate sensitivity to these subjects, allowing clients to feel truly seen and supported.  Her advanced trainings in abdominal massage and prenatal/postnatal care have further enriched her practice, allowing her to care for a wide spectrum of clients.  Ali’s ideal clients are women seeking to deepen their connection with their bodies and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Described affectionately as a “witch” by some, Ali takes pride in offering more than just massage therapy. Beyond her practice, she can be found tending to her garden, enjoying the company of her cats, or indulging her passion for music.